
Our Pizza

Our pizza is made using the finest Italian ingredients. Any good pizza starts with its dough. Our dough is made using the Caputo wheat flour milled in Naples. Caputo flour is recognised throughout the world as the ‘gold standard’ of flour for making pizza dough.


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Our Sauce

Our dough is topped with D.O.P San Marzano tomatoes grown in the volcanic plains of Mt. Vesuvius to give that authentic, classic Neapolitan style pizza taste. It is then topped with imported Italian fior de latte mozzarella and finished off with toppings of your choice.

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Our Oven

Our oven has been specially designed and commissioned to fit in the rear of a Land Rover Defender. This unique design enables us to provide pizza almost anywhere and on any terrain. Our oven is fired using locally sourced, seasoned hard wood enabling temperatures to reach up to 500 degrees and produce a mouth watering pizza in just 90 seconds.